Embrace the Universe
Embrace the Universe (2001) – for Orchestra, Chorus (SATB) and soloists: Piano, Soprano, and Viola
Text: "Hymne á la matiére” from Le Milieu divin by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; original © Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1957; Use of English translation by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
This work was written in response to the events of September 11, 2001.
I became familiar with the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin when I first entered the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet in Latham, New York, USA in 1966 at the age of 18. Since that time I have reread, recalled, and contemplated on his writings – most especially the “Hymn to Matter” from “The Divine Milieu.”
This poetic setting harkens from the opening of each of The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11), speaks of the power of matter in its forms: soil, rock, water, stars, atoms and its evolution and dissolution. The poem ends with these final verses:
“I bless you, matter, and I acclaim you as the divine milieu, charged with creative power,
as the ocean stirred by the Spirit, as the clay molded and infused with life.
Raise me up then, matter, to those heights, through struggle and separation and death,
raise me up until at long last, it becomes possible for me to embrace the universe.”
In and Out of Love
In and Out of Love (2013) – after Liaisons and Send in the Clowns from A Little Night Music, was premiered by Anthony de Mare, pianist and Artistic Director of “Liaisons: Re-imagining Sondheim from the Piano”, at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, which commissioned the work, and received its New York City premiere on March 9, 2013 at Symphony Space. The complete 3 CD set of the “Liaisons” project was released in September, 2015 on the ECM to critical acclaim and its producer, Judith Sherman, received a Grammy Award for Classical Producer of the Year.
“Throughout In and Out of Love, the essential harmonies from “Liaisons” and “Send in the Clowns” are juxtaposed and transformed, and interact as pillars upon which the phrases and melodies from both songs are recalled and remembered. The meter is in three, reflecting the original songs. It is my hope that this new work will convey the feelings and memories of the magical dance of love within the original songs, as well as to express the profound impact of their revelations on my life.”
after sunrise
after sunrise (2011)
for Percussion and Clarinets
October 24, 2012, University of Arkansas, Fort Smith
Performed by Duo Avanzando – Ricardo Coelha de Souza - Percussion and David Carter - Clarinets
after sunrise was inspired by the many mornings I watched and listened as the sun rose over Brant Lake in the Adirondack Park where we live. You will hear the voices of the birds, the chatter of the squirrels and chipmunks as they begin their search for food. The images you see in this video were chosen from those I have taken throughout many seasons to share with friends and family.
My many thanks to Ricardo and David for their beautiful and sensitive performance, and to Ricardo for selecting these photos for the video.